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            Are you facing a health CRISIS ?


Been told medication is the ONLY hope ?


            Or that there is NO HOPE ?


That what you’ve got there is NO CURE FOR ?


Dementia | High Cholesterol | Leaky Bladder | Clogged Arteries | Eye Floaters | Itchy Ears | PAD | Excessive Sweating | Increasing Breastmilk | and more… Just Ask Alannah 

Welcome to Alannah, Your Health Detective!

Hi!  My name is Alannah and welcome to my site.

If you’re here, it’s either by:

  • chance,
  • curiosity, or
  • because you have a genuine need for yourself or a loved one and you’re searching for answers.

If this last bullet describes you, then you’ve found the right place.

No doubt, you’re hoping and praying for a solution, a BETTER answer than what you’ve been told because…

In your gut, you know, or you’ve been at least praying, that there’s a better solution out there, and it’s just a matter of finding it.

I know exactly what you’re feeling, because I’ve been there, too, more than once.

So, now your questions probably are:

  • “Have I found the right place?” and
  • “Will she be able to help me?”

That, of course, you’ll need to decide for yourself.


About me

But now, let me tell you a little about myself.

I’ve been a Health Detective for about 6 years now.

My specialty is finding health solutions for “mysterious” or challenging health issues.


Some of My Successes

I say “mysterious” only because the current medical establishment has yet to find either the “cause” or a viable “solution” for the ailment in question and it still remains, for the most part, a “mystery”.

Case in point: Dementia / Alzheimer’s.

Among the ailments that many people suffer from, for which I’ve found “natural” solutions, are:

  • Increasing Breast Milk Production
  • Leaky Bladder/Incontinence
  • High Cholesterol
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Dementia / Alzheimer’s
  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
  • Osmodrosis (super stinky body odor)
  • Menopausal Hot Flashes
  • PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome)
  • Arthritis
  • Kidney Stones
  • and more…

Interestingly enough, some of these have rather simple solutions….but SHhhh, the big you-know-who’s wouldn’t want me to be shouting this from rooftops, if you know what I mean.  Do you know how many millions of dollars they would lose?

That’s the reason that you’ll need to join my Health Detective Community and sign up for one of my programs to access my EXTRA SPECIAL SECRETS.


How I became a Health Detective

CLICK HERE to read more about my journey to becoming a Health Detective…



Defying the Odds and the Experts

AND the SOLUTIONS that I’m most impressed with, are the ones where I’ve been told that it was IMPOSSIBLE or that it COULDN’T be done.

The most recent of these “IMPOSSIBLE” feats was restoring my Mom’s memory from Dementia.

I’m especially proud of that one, for obvious reasons.

If you’re interested in reading my Mom’s story, GO HERE... 

It was incredibly satisfying and gratifying to be able to have my Mom back, if you know what I mean !!

Another challenging health situation that I got involved with was for my 99 yr old Grandmother.

She was near Kidney Failure and had severe edema, some fluid in her lungs with difficulty breathing, high blood pressure, and was starting to suffer from Dementia.

I’ve included some photos of her legs before I started doing my “stuff” with her.


Do you see the difference between the first 3 photos and the last one?

In the first 3, my Grandmother could barely walk.  Her feet, ankles and calves were so swollen and she was in so much pain.  These were the “Before” pictures.

Can you see how the swelling completely went down and her ankles regained their proper shape?  It took approximately 2 months for that to happen.

Do you see how her feet were once again fitting into her shoes without bulging out of them?

And how her socks were a little loose around her ankles?

A triple delight happened as a result of this effort:

(1) it cleared the swelling/edema in her legs (as you can see in the last photo)

(2) it cleared the fluid in her lungs – she no longer grunted and groaned every time she moved or laid down

(3) it restored normal functioning to her kidneys.

Did it matter that she was 99 yrs old?

No, it didn’t.

You see, what makes my approach to health and healing different from the establishment is that I understand that when the body, OUR body, is supplied with the right nutrients, it can heal from practically anything.  It is one of the gifts that God has endowed us with.




Age is NOT the determining factor

Another of my beliefs is that AGE, contrary to the thoughts of many, is not the cause of our health problems.

AGE is not the determining factor of our health.

Notwithstanding certain genetic defects or certain accidents (including seemingly harmless, incidental, minor and major ones), I have observed (and it’s not even a “belief” on my part, but truly an observation) that the following factors are the key to continuing good health for everyone:

  • the level of TOXICITY in our body, organs, and cells – food, medications, environmental pollutants, self-imposed pollutants (cigarette smoke, narcotics, alcohol, even certain medicinal herbs)
  • our daily DIET and the FOOD CHOICES that we make
  • the QUALITY of the food that we ingest as far as inadequate/deficient, average, or superior nutritional quality
  • the level of our EMOTIONAL BURDENS,
  • the quality of our RELATIONSHIPS – personal, spousal, familial, extended family, friends, community, society-at-large
  • our ATTITUDE/PERSPECTIVE regarding the challenges that we’ve had in our past, how we deal with our present, and what we see, do, feel for our future.  Are we fearful about everything and everybody? Do we see life as a positive challenge or do we feel threatened? Etc., etc.
  • our FINANCES – can we afford better quality food stuffs, a nice place to live, clothes, etc., or do we just get by or not even have enough to live?
  • our STRESS or COMFORT levels
  • our BELIEFS – which are tied to many of these other factors

And quite possibly 2 of the most significant of all of the health-determining factors, which are incredibly and sufficiently powerful to overcome even the most thwarting odds are:

  • our SPIRITUAL life – are we an atheist or do we believe in a Greater All-Loving, All-Knowing, All-Powerful Universal Being/God?


  • our WILL TO LIVE – I’ve seen this in my Mother, in my Mother-in-Law, and even in my Grandmother’s eyes.

INCREDIBLY, these 2 factors can be sufficient to CARRY a life and CONTINUE a life in spite of huge, imposing, and opposing odds against our survival.  And then the other factors fill in as they may.




(But I’m digressing here and this is not my intended platform for an in-depth discussion on these matters.

If you’re interested in Spiritual matters, I do incorporate your spirituality into my holistic healing approach because I know that “everything” in your life affects “everything else” in your life.  As such, your Spiritual side can be affected [to a certain degree] by what you put into your mouth just as the Physical, Emotional, and Mental sides of your life are affected.  That’s just the way it is.

THEREFORE, if you’re also interested in more on the Spiritual side, you can visit my site at https://alannahsolutions.com/spiritualmeditation/ and
on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/movinfaithmeditation/).

….and SURPRISE !!!

There are actually 3 more factors that good health most definitely depends on.

And what do you think they are?

Think now.

…give this some serious thought before you read on…

The LAST and, actually, the FIRST factors that determine our good health, which rank as important as all of these other factors that I’ve listed above, are:

  • our level of BELIEF that our efforts can and/or will yield some kind of positive result(s),
  • the amount of EFFORT we are willing to give, in any given moment, to our good health


  • our level of COMMITMENT to our good health and the repetitive nature of the daily effort that’s needed.

The conscious level of effort and re-commitment that we give to our moment-by-moment choices can return us to a higher level of health like we used to have or even better than we had before.



And, believe me, it’s worth it when you get to the point where you start feeling healthy again, and you experience what my Mom felt—when everything that I had done while she was in her supposedly “IMPOSSIBLE-TO-RECOVER” state (as the doctors had told me) had finally kicked in, and her memory was restored, AND she took my hands in hers, looked into my eyes, and said,


“Thank you, Alannah.  Thank you for not giving up on me.”

  1. So the VERY FIRST THING for YOU to do is to BELIEVE that your return to good health IS possible.
  2. NEXT, take ACTION.  Make SOME EFFORT toward that goal.

I’m telling you…



…because I DON’T !!



  • if you find yourself faced with a health crisis for which you’ve consulted doctors and been told that medication is your only hope, or that there is NO HOPE; or
  • if you suspect that there is another solution and you’re hoping and praying for another answer, a BETTER answer because in your gut, you know there’s a way,

then you’ve come to the right place, because I DON’T GIVE UP, and I TOO BELIEVE that there’s an answer for your recovery.

Because telling me that something is impossible to restore…heck, that’s like telling me that there’s nothing that can be done for my child.

Apparently, some people just don’t know the FURY of a WOMAN OR A MOTHER ON A MISSION !

I simply don’t take “NO” for an answer…well, almost never…

…and there’s nothing that I like more than proving the “EXPERTS” wrong.

So, DON’T give up and please, PLEASE, contact me.

While I am not an “Expert” and my results are purely anecdotal, I have managed to successfully overcome several seemingly impossible health situations.


Against people telling me that I couldn’t…

…but I went ahead and tried anyways…

…AND  S U C C E E D E D !!

I do not limit myself to what others tell me can’t be done.

In my mind, THERE’S ALWAYS A WAY !!

Because I know that when we provide the body with what it needs, it can heal itself.

So, before you throw in the towel, contact me via this link>> CLICK HERE << and I will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

In the meantime, sign up here to become a member of my private Health Detective Community.

As a member, you will have access to my special solutions that are NOT AVAILABLE to the general public.

Go here now to ASK ME FOR HELP with your situation and we’ll get things started.

Thank you for your interest, and I look forward to helping you return to better health.


Your Health Detective

P.S. See my medical disclaimer here

Interested in going deeper on this subject? Sign Up for my Private FB Health Detective Community and let's talk some more.

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